Advanced URL Shortener

Lets you shorten multiple long URLs in your Google Doc with a click.

Advanced URL Shortener add-on for Google Docs™ lets you to shorten/expand multiple long/short URLs in your document by using Bitly™ service.

Premium Features:

Free Version Limitations:

Important Notes:

Please note that while our add-on provides this invaluable connectivity between Google Docs™ and Bitly™, it's important to understand that purchasing this add-on does not include Bitly™ premium plans

For more details visit:

Video help:

Legal Disclaimer and Usage Guidelines:

* Google services impose daily quotas and hard limitations on some features -

Advanced URL Shortener use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.


Single User License: 

USD: $4

INR: 35

Per year.

Domain-wide License: 

USD: $10

INR: 800 

Per year for all users within a Google Workspace account. 

A common activation code is provided for users to activate the license.