PDF Layout and Options

Customizing PDF Export Settings

With the Schedule & Email Spreadsheets add-on, you have full control over your PDF export settings to match your specific needs.

The PDF settings option is accessible only when PDF is selected from the format dropdown while adding an attachment. Below is a detailed overview of the available features.

1. Page Setup

The Page Setup tab controls the fundamental properties of the PDF document, such as paper size, orientation, scaling, and margins.

Paper Size: A dropdown menu to select from predefined paper sizes.

Page Orientation: A dropdown menu to choose between portrait and landscape orientation.

Scaling: A dropdown menu to select the scaling method for the spreadsheet content within the PDF.

Margin: A dropdown menu to select predefined margin sizes or specify custom margins.

2. Formatting

The Formatting tab allows you to control the overall appearance of the spreadsheet data within the PDF.

Horizontal Alignment: A dropdown menu to select the horizontal alignment of the spreadsheet content on the page.

Vertical Alignment: A dropdown menu to select the vertical alignment of the spreadsheet content on the page.

Page Order: A dropdown menu to select the order the pages are displayed in

Display Options:

3. Headers & Footers

The Headers & Footers tab enables you to add custom text and dynamic information to the top and bottom of each page in the PDF.

Header Sections: Configure the top of the page.

Footer Sections: Configure the bottom of the page.

Dynamic Markers: Each header and footer section has a dropdown to dynamically set values.

Note: values with the "[[ ]]" syntax are header/footer list items, whereas values with "{{" syntax are marker list items.

Repeat Options

Preview PDF: Clicking the "Preview PDF" button opens a preview of the PDF with the current settings applied in a new tab. This allows you to verify the appearance of the PDF before sending or saving.