The Email Subject
Setting up Email Subject
The add-on allows you to personalize your email subject line using dynamic markers, enabling customized and automated content.
📈 Daily Sales: {{Long Date UK}} - {{NamedRange:EoD_Balance}}
will render as
📈 Daily Sales: 20 February 2025 - $1,124.65
Customizing the Subject Line
You can structure your email subject line using a combination of static text and dynamic markers.
1. Static Text
A fixed subject line that remains the same for all emails.
Example: Weekly Sales Report
2. Dynamic Markers
Use predefined markers to insert dynamic content such as dates, times, or spreadsheet values.
Example: Report for {{Date}} (automatically inserts the current date)
Date and Time Markers
{{Date}}: Formats the current date (e.g., 02/20/2025).
{{Date UK}}: Formats the current date in UK format (e.g., 20/02/2025).
{{Long Date}}: Formats the current date with the full month name (e.g., February 20, 2025).
{{Long Date UK}}: Formats the current date with the full month name in UK format (e.g., 20 February 2025).
{{Time}}: Formats the current time (e.g., 10:25:22).
{{Day}}: The day of the month (e.g., 20).
{{Day Short}}: The day of the month (e.g., 20).
{{Day Name}}: Abbreviated day of the week (e.g., Mon).
{{Day Name Full}}: Full day of the week (e.g., Monday).
{{Month}}: Month number (e.g., 02).
{{Month Short}}: Month number without leading zeros (e.g., 2).
{{Month Name}}: Abbreviated month name (e.g., Feb).
{{Month Name Full}}: Full month name (e.g., February).
{{Year}}: Four-digit year (e.g., 2025).
{{Year Short}}: Two-digit year (e.g., 25).
{{Hour 24}}: Hour in 24-hour format (e.g., 10).
{{Hour}}: Hour in 12-hour format (e.g., 10).
{{Hour Short}}: Hour in 12-hour format without leading zeros (e.g., 10).
{{Minute}}: Minute (e.g., 25).
{{Minute Short}}: Minute without leading zeros (e.g., 25).
{{Second}}: Second (e.g., 22).
{{Second Short}}: Second without leading zeros (e.g., 22).
{{Meridiem Upper}}: AM or PM (e.g., AM).
{{Meridiem Lower}}: am or pm (e.g., am).
Spreadsheet Information
{{Spreadsheet Id}} – Inserts the unique ID of the Google Sheet (e.g., 1bPV0moERYtu7A6G5Nwd20q34vOpryifFUsPbuOrMIiA)
{{Spreadsheet Name}} – Inserts the name of the Google Sheet file (e.g., The Veggie Stores - Sales)
Random Values
{{Random Id}} – Generates a random alphanumeric ID (e.g., a1B2c3D4E5)
{{Random Number}} – Generates a random number (e.g., 874593)
3. Cell & Range References
Retrieve values from a specific cell or named range in your spreadsheet.
Example: Invoice {{'Invoices'!A2}} (fetches the invoice number from cell A2 in the "Invoices" sheet)
{{'Sales Data'!A2}} – Inserts a value from a single cell (e.g., 2025-02-20 00:00:00)
{{'Sales Data'!A1:J50}} – Inserts values from a range. Multiple cell values are concatenated with spaces, with a maximum length of 100 characters in the subject line.
{{NamedRange:EoD_Balance}} – Inserts a value from a named range (e.g., $1,124.65)
Next Step: The Email Body